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Beards, Men's Grooming

The Best Beard Oils

The resurgence of facial hair is glorious. No more are we shackled to plainly being clean shaven, men are flexing their face rugs in the workplace and beyond. However, even the thickest, most lustrous beard deserves some TLC to grace the pages of your everyday life. The best beards are backed […]

Men's Style

The Best Shorts for Men

If you think shorts are reserved for boys or the band members of AC/DC, think again. The best shorts for men are a staple accessory for summer. Shorts are loved for their versatility and effortless style, and can be paired with sweaters, shirts, jackets, and just about any other tops […]

Men's Style

Men, To Spanx or Not to Spanx

Spanx. In a woman’s life that one word is a lifesaver in a world consumed with imperfections, lumps and bumps. You might be surprised to know what a fundamental staple it is in most women’s wardrobes. It smoothes, shapes and tricks the unsuspecting male eye. Sorry guys. It is unfortunate, […]

Men's Style

Mens Wallets – Our Top Picks

Men’s wallets are easily the most overlooked item in a man’s life. They’re one of the most significant tools you own and use daily. After all, it goes with you everywhere. It offers you instant access to cash or credit (especially beneficial in an emergency).


Why Women Find “Handy” Men Overwhelmingly Attractive

Being able to cook, clean, and maintain a nice body is not impressive anymore. Women want something more from men. Women are focusing their attention on men who work wonders with their hands by fixing things. These “handy” men are in high demand, and it’s making men wonder what it is about handymen that make them so attractive to women.