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Men's Hairstyles

The Best Hairstyles for Grey Hair

If you’re a silver fox or on the track to salt and pepper hair, then you’ll understand the value of what I’m about to say next. Not all men’s hairstyles look good with grey hair. In fact, once you start to grow your hair to a certain length; don’t be […]

Men's Lifestyle

How to Order a Drink the Right Way

Ordering a drink should be a very simple task, but for many people ends up turning into a bit of a disaster. You wouldn’t think this would be such an ordeal, but unfortunately people really don’t get it when it comes to ordering a drink. The first thing a bartender […]

Men's Grooming, Skin Care

Which is The Best Toner for Oily Skin?

If you suffer from excessively oily skin, life can get pretty uncomfortable quickly. Men produce different amounts of oil; the side effects include adult acne, shiny skin, redness, dry skin, patchy skin tone, and more. Oil is the body’s defense mechanism, but when there is too much, oil can become […]

Men's Grooming, Shaving Tips

How to Shave Without Getting Razor Bumps

Is there anything more frustrating than angry red bumps that appear after shaving? These tiny dots of irritation can flare up immediately, or appear miraculously days after the event; either way, bumps indicate there are problems somewhere in the shaving process, so Male Standard devised a few straightforward changes of […]