Many people get anxious when it comes to last-minute guests, and I totally get it; being caught off-guard is never fun, and as the seasons go, the holidays bring people together, and to your door, more than any other time of the year.
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Fathers Day Gift Guide – Ideas for the Modern Dad
Father’s Day is fast approaching, which means it’s time for another round of arbitrary gifts. It’s time to throw out the socks and ties and give him something he really wants.
How To Grow a Beard – The Ultimate Guide
How to grow a beard, simply put away your razor and trimmer and wait. That’s all there is to it. That being said, there is actually a lot to learn about growing a beard; if you are into style – which I know you are. I’ve created this guide for the first time beardsman
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Summer is the season for romance. However, it’s also the summer of internships, working shifts in coffee houses and generally counting down till college. If your budget is getting the better of you, then Male Standard is here to help with our 7 basically free date night ideas for the best summer ever!
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Grovemade, a leading designer of handcrafted wooden and leather accessories, today introduced a limited edition run of iPhone docks made entirely from metal.
Packing Hacks Every Man Needs to Know
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How to Meet a Woman if You Work Long Hours
There are lots of single men who would love to be able to meet a special woman for fun, dates, a relationship, perhaps even marriage eventually. However, for those who have focused all of their energy on their career and have to work long hours, this can be a surprisingly […]
New From Marshall Headphones: The Woburn
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The Complete Guide to Leather Jackets For Men
Leather jackets for men are one of those classic staples that will always look incredibly cool. Not only does it step up your stud status, but its rugged texture and timelessness makes it a favorite among athletes and celebs alike.