By the time most relationships hit the skids, one or both parties can be so pent up with hostility, anger, and resentment that thinking clearly and objectively might look like “mission impossible.” Once the level of a relationship reaches DEFCON 4, you can just about forget about acting civil towards […]
Recent Articles
Who to Get Friendly With at The Bar
Everyone enjoys being part of the “in” crowd every now and then, right? Here are some tips of who to get friendly with at the bars. You may think making friends with the owner is the best way to be part of the inside crowd. Although that is definitely one […]
Being Single by Choice
This concept may be foreign to most males: being single by choice. Women do this, and men should take note. Take three different guys and their scenarios where it can and should apply: I have this friend – we will call him “Joe.” Joe, as his name implies, is just […]
The Difference Between Bars and Clubs
Aside from the obvious presence of alcohol and people, bars and clubs can differ quite a bit. Of course there are plenty of hybrid-type establishments that offer a little touch of both worlds. Stereotypically speaking, the two are distinctly different. Keep in mind there are many levels of each from […]
10 Signs She’s Just Not That Into You
Denial is an ugly thing. It’s also incredibly emasculating. Sometimes you just need a good kick in the pants or a bro friend to grab you and say, hey, snap out of it. This chick is less into you than Hitler was into Jews. Here then, are ten signs to […]
Orange County Buddy Walk
At MaleStandard, Down Syndrome is a disability that we hold very close to our hearts. This year, as in the past, the MaleStandard team will be walking in and supporting the Down Syndrome “Buddy Walk” of Orange County on November 7, 2010, not only in support of a boy we […]
Shot of the Month: Oatmeal Cookie Shot
As with many shots and drinks, there are a few variations of the oatmeal cookie shot. I find this to be the best tasting, and the one that most accurately resembles an actual oatmeal cookie. This is a great shot to enjoy around the holidays! Ingredients 1/2 oz Bailey’s Irish […]
Raising Blake: A Story of Love and Acceptance
I am sure many people wonder what it’s like to raise a child with Down Syndrome. To be perfectly honest, it’s not very different from raising a typical child. At times, it’s actually easier. Yes, there are the early intervention classes that Blake has attended since he was 9 weeks […]
Talk Dirty to Me
As we all know, I love a vocal man in the bedroom. I know that for some of you even the idea of talking dirty makes you feel uncomfortable. Don’t let it. Be the authority in your bedroom – talking will get you everywhere. Knowing what to say does not […]
4 Easy to Make Halloween Food Ideas
Alright guys, I get that you probably don’t have secret aspirations to be the male version of Martha Stewart and you have more important things to deal with like studying, girls and making my delicious shots – I hope! However, if you’re planning to host a Halloween party this year, […]