Shaving Tips

Read our latest articles on shaving, we give tips for men to give a world class shave inside your own home and save hundreds of dollars.

Men's Grooming, Shaving Tips

How To Shave With a Cut Throat Razor

With all the simplicity of modern shaving available it may be easier to go new school and follow Tiger, Roger and the rest of the slickers that illuminate modern day grooming adverts. However, go back and kick it old school like Granddad did and you’ll find a cheaper, personal and […]

Men's Grooming, Shaving Tips

How to Use a Shaving Brush

Many men are pleasantly surprised to discover that using a traditional shaving brush is not only immediately rewarding (offering a closer, cleaner shave) but also highly relaxing. Instead of just using your hands to lather up shaving gel, a shaving brush offers you an opportunity to apply an even layer […]

Men's Grooming, Shaving Tips

How to Make Shaving Cream at Home

Making your own organic shaving cream is actually dead simple. The benefits of creating your own products are that you know what is inside (so no allergies, chemicals, or weird smells) and that they are often cheaper and of higher quality than commercial shaving creams. As you can make these […]

Men's Grooming, Shaving Tips

How to Shave Without Getting Razor Bumps

Is there anything more frustrating than angry red bumps that appear after shaving? These tiny dots of irritation can flare up immediately, or appear miraculously days after the event; either way, bumps indicate there are problems somewhere in the shaving process, so Male Standard devised a few straightforward changes of […]