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Men's Grooming

The Best Cologne for Men – Complete Guide

Stand in a gym locker room, and you will quickly understand the appeal of transitioning to the best solid cologne for men; instead of unapologetic sprays that can fill a room, solid cologne is a balm that carries the fragrance from your tin to your skin, and without offending innocent […]

Men's Style

Step Up Your Summer Sneaker Shoe Game!

Business casual was once a phrase that invoked anxiety, and with good reason; no one really knew what business casual was, and no one knew where to draw the line. Was it at short sleeve shirts? How about wearing denim in the workplace? Thankfully, we’ve come a long way, and […]

Men's Grooming

The 5 Different Types of Deodorant for Men

If you’ve been using the same crusty stick of deodorant for men, it’s time to man up. Deodorant has a shelf life, and can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. Not to mention, you should be using deodorant every day; which means it needs to be replaced regularly. While […]