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Men's Grooming

The Best Ways to Fight Yellow Teeth

When Crest 3D launched the marketing slogan “if you’re not whitening, you’re yellowing” we knew they were onto something important. White teeth are a sign of healthy teeth and your mouth is often the first thing someone notices when they first meet you; make that impression counts! Sadly, whitening is […]

Men's Grooming

The Best Antiperspirant for Men

It’s time to switch out the Old Spice and Brut, and make way for one of these five contemporary contenders that are in-line for “top all-round best antiperspirant for men.” You might think that sticking to the same age-old routine is harmless, it sure beats not using anything at all, […]

Men's Grooming

A Quick Guide For Removing Ingrown Hair

They are painful, gross, and sometimes they develop on your face and other unpleasant areas. I’m talking about ingrown hairs. We develop ingrown hairs when the small sharp tip of our hair bends back and grows sideways or down into the skin. When you have them, they show up on […]

Men's Grooming, Skin Care

How to Combat Enlarged Pores

Gentleman, the time has come. There is an issue that we must address and it affects all of us. Some of us ignore the problem, while others try to combat the issue head on with no success. I am talking about enlarged pores. Now, unless your skin looks like your […]

Men's Grooming

Real Men Who Manicure

Have you ever found yourself sitting out on a warm day thinking, “Hmm, the only thing missing here is a manicure?” Okay, admittedly we haven’t either but for some strange and even admirable reason Ian Somerhalder, star of The Vampire Diaries and Lost, was spotted at a hole-in-the-wall boutique in […]

Men's Grooming, Shaving Tips

How to Shave For Less

Whether you shave for the smooth, refined finish, to avoid embarrassing lumpy and uneven growth, or to avoid the hassle of upkeep, shaving is an expensive and necessary ritual for millions of men. Walk into any grocery or drug store and it’s amazing how quickly you can sink $50 – […]