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Automotive, Tech

The ASKA™ Drive & Fly Vehicle

In 1886, Karl Benz patented his design for the Benz Patent Motorwagen. In 1904/5, the Wright Brothers were acclaimed as the first people to design, build, and fly the first successful motor-operated aeroplane. Now, in 2021, Guy Kaplinsky and Maki Kaplinsky, founders of NFT Inc, have begun accepting pre-orders for […]

model wearing jacket

6 of the Best Biker Jackets From The Jacket Maker

Biker jackets have always been a fashion staple and have a certain value. Who doesn’t like to roam around on a Harley wearing a bandana and a savvy biker jacket? Biker jackets are not only limited to Harley’s or Moto Grand Prix but as the decades passed they have become […]

Tottenham Stadium

The 8 Most Entertaining Premier League Teams

To say that it has been a strange season for the Premier League is somewhat of an understatement. With a post-pandemic restart, the European Super League debacle and fan protests, this season will be one to remember for many negative reasons. However, just as it always does, English football has […]