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Men's Grooming

The Best Lip Balms for Men

During the winter months there is a noticeable difference in the way our skin is feeling, especially our lips. Dry air, winter wind and cold temperatures all conspire to reduce the moisture in our lips. So, the question becomes how does a man take care of these dry, cracked winter burnt […]

Dating & Relationships, Women

My Weekend Without a Penis

One Thursday evening, I sustained a massive injury to my dong. I won’t say how or what happened, well… because that’s another, slightly less important story. What I will say is that when I woke up Friday morning, my penis was bruised, red, sore, and extremely sensitive to the touch. […]

Health & Fitness, Men's Lifestyle

Win a Jordan Hoffart Product Giveaway

Sign up now for the MaleStandard Newsletter and we’ll automatically enter you to win a one of two Exclusive giveaway prize packages, complements of Jordan Hoffart and MaleStandard! Grand Prize Giveaway A Jordan Hoffart Custom Signature Pro Deck Hoffart Signature Bones “Pamala” Wheel – 35, NEFF Beanie Powell Peralta Mini-Logo […]