Author: Male Standard

Men's Lifestyle

Tailgate with Knob Creek-Infused Dishes And Drinks

With football season in full swing, sports fanatics all over the country are representing their favorite teams and celebrating the start of football and tailgating season. I wanted to send over some unique grilling recipes that embrace America’s favorite sport and use Knob Creek Bourbon. Grilled Ribeye With Knob Creek Bourbon BBQ Sauce RECIPE […]

Men's Lifestyle

Interview: Jay Glazer Talks NFL, MMA and Pirates

Male Standard recently talked with Jay Glazer, one of the most polarizing personalities in sports. As the NFL insider for Fox Sports, he’s been very vocal about the current controversy surrounding football. He’s also involved in outside projects including MMA and various charities. Jay has partnered with Captain Morgan to challenge […]

Men's Style

LINDBERG’s $5,000 Solid Gold Sunglasses

If you have an extra five grand laying around and are in the business of looking for a new pair of sunglasses, boy do we have just the style for you! LINDBERG’s Precious Collection is made with 18 Ct solid gold, and has a considerable elite following: The Queen, Brad Pitt, Bill Gates, […]