It’s a fact that people are living longer than they did in the past. Only 100 years ago, what we now think of as early middle age was equivalent to a full expected life span. Advances in health care, medical treatments, and an overall more sanitized and cleaner society have […]
Author: Male Standard
How to dress for your first black tie event
Just received your first invitation to a black tie event? First thing’s first — don’t think you’re truly exempt if the invite says ‘black tie optional’. The host will almost certainly be dressing up for the occasion, and it’s obviously far better to be overdressed than underdressed. More importantly, you […]
What to Do When Your Hairline Starts Receding
The day that you notice that your hairline is starting to recede can be a difficult one. You might be one of those people who prides themselves on their hair and are worried about what you might look like should your hairline continue to recede. You might derive much of […]
My boyfriend won’t stop wearing these comfy gym shorts. And I can’t blame him.
This Saturday I managed to get an outdoor table for 8 at Felix in Soho with a guy I’ve been seeing and his friends. Elated to emerge from my 4 month social purgatory, I wore an Eileen Fisher sundress. They were all wearing “Birddogs” workout shorts. I know much has […]
How to Avoid Being Ignored by The Bartender
Now, this may seem very basic to many of you and after all ordering a drink should only require a little common sense right? Well, it would be that simple if everyone had common sense, but unfortunately that isn’t always the case. Ordering a drink actually requires some technique. Of […]
Sporting Atmospheres Every Fan Should Experience
The rumble of a stadium or the cheering alongside the track, there is no better atmosphere than in a sporting area during a big event, an experience that simply cannot be matched. There are countless big events in the worldwide sporting calendar, but there are some that are on the […]
Briefcase Buying Guide: Finding a Quality Bag
There’s nothing better than always having a place to store things, but it can be tough to find good portable storage. While women have purses, men are often left stuffing things in their pockets and trying to make the most out of limited space. One of the best ways to […]
Will I be loved or will I be alone? Intimacy vs Isolation
If you’ve ever experienced the fear of being single, you’re not alone. Many people are eager for a committed, fulfilling long-term partnerships, but struggle to find the right person which can cause worry and anxiety. This article will cover a relevant social development theory by Erik Erikson and some tips […]
How To Deal with Anxiety in Uncertain Times
The current Covid-19 pandemic has heightened uncertainty over the economy, employment, finances, relationships, physical and mental health. We all want to feel safe and have a sense of control in our lives. However, in times like now, this can leave many of us feeling anxious, stressed and overall uncertain with […]
How To Deal With The Stress of Working From Home
Over the past several months, millions of people are finding themselves working from home instead of the usual work setting. Working from home, especially when unexpected, can present challenges. Many of us are finding this change in environment and working set up, difficult to handle, causing an increase in stress. […]