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Beards, Men's Grooming

How to Grow a Movember Moustache

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  If you are looking for a way to show gratitude, then consider donating to Movember; a charity foundation that raises awareness and funds for men’s health.  Fundraising takes place during the month of November and asks that men participate in growing their moustaches to start […]


Speed Stick Presents: The Journey of Cole Whitt

Earlier this year, Male Standard had the honor of joining NASCAR driver Cole Whitt as he represented Speed Stick at the Brickyard 400. During that weekend, Cole showed his passion for being the best. Most importantly, we understood how he overcomes obstacles to #DefyTheDoubt. Today, we’re proud to share his […]


Carl’s Jr. Partners With Call of Duty To Help Vets

Carl’s Jr. has partnered with Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops III for unique in-restaurant and in-game integration. The campaign features an“Ultimate Care Package” combo meal complete with a peel-and-win game piece sweepstakes, Veterans Day fundraising event and a new Call of Duty ad campaign. The new ad campaign, titled […]

Men's Lifestyle

Are You in the Right Career — Decide Now!

Did you know the average American now has four careers throughout their life instead of one?  As industries change, the demands of the workplace and our roles within them is constantly adapting.  No more are the days of working a dead end job.  If you don’t like your career, or it hasn’t […]


TROVE Gameplay — The MMO Cubed

Whether you are a serious gamer or looking for a fun way to idyll away a Sunday afternoon, we have a new tip to put you onto; Trove is a sandbox MMORPG with unique voxel graphics by Trion Worlds.  In non-nerd talk, this a funky retro game where you run […]