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Men's Lifestyle

Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

It’s April, which means unless you are living under a rock, you know that it’s tax season! If you have been paying into your account, then you may be one of thousands who are looking at a coveted tax refund – an opportunity to cash a bonus check. This extra […]


Kiehl’s Jumbo Pack Giveaway

It’s no secret that Kiehl’s is among our favorite men’s skin care brands. They use only the finest ingredients and always give back to the community. Today, we’re bringing the best selling Kiehl’s products to you in a Jumbo Prize Pack. Here’s what you’ll get: “Ultimate Man” Body Scrub Soap Facial […]

Men's Lifestyle

Stay Warm With a Gentlemen’s Rum Toddy

According to The Wall Street Journal, if February ends without improvement, it will be the fifth-coldest February on record in NYC since 1869. With record snowfall in Boston, and Chicago recently experiencing subzero temperatures among other reports, much of the country is enduring  one of the worst winters to-date! To […]