Men's Grooming Skin Care

Do You Know The 3 Early Warning Signs For Acne?

Acne can force you into isolation by eroding your self esteem, and most teenagers dread the day they might see the very first pimple on their face. But is every blemish a sign of acne? You shouldn’t ever self-diagnose but read on to know if what you’re dealing with is really acne. A common human skin disease, acne kicks in during adolescence and the effect that it has on your skin can stay with you till you’re much older. You may have heard of the symptoms often, and it’s common for teenagers to mistake any kind of blemish for acne. But what are all the tell-tale signs that you should look out for?

Breakout Of Blemishes

This is the most common sign, and though we’ve mentioned that you shouldn’t mistake any blemish for acne, it’s still important to look out for scores of them. Comedones, or whiteheads and blackheads, are the most common type and will be non-inflammatory. Papules, nodules and pimples are other kinds of blemishes or cysts that you will encounter.

Barely Bearable Itchiness

While your blemishes might be tricky to identify, the feeling of itchiness around them is hardly mistakable. Most lesions, like papules, nodules and pustules are inflammatory in nature and may even contain pus. By this point you should be prepared to visit your dermatologist or get home treatment. And even if you don’t have one, look up a local one and read some reviews before heading out.

Skin Redness Around Blemishes

If you have these symptoms and you’re still not convinced, redness of the skin around your blemishes or even red, scaly skin in general is another sure sign that acne is kicking in. You should start your acne treatment now so that you can prevent it from getting worse and also so that you can ensure that you won’t suffer from scarring. Acne can force you into isolation by eroding your self esteem, and most teenagers dread the day they might see the very first pimple on their face. But is every blemish a sign of acne? You shouldn’t ever self-diagnose but read on to know if what you’re dealing with is really acne.

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