Men's Style

birddogs Shorts Takes On…The Big Bad Bank

Fans of The Male Standard know how much our writers love birddogs, a men’s apparel company famous for selling shorts, pants, and polos with built-in liners. We love their products, and we also love their tongue-in-cheek marketing. And well…this week’s ad campaign is no exception.

See, birddogs is marking down products for the first (and likely only) time ever. Shorts are down from $69 to $35-55, joggers from $118 to $55-65, and bathing suits from $75 to 55.

Why? As birddogs tells it, an ex-employee Gary ordered over 1 million extra units of inventory. Their bank was not too happy about the excess inventory, so they gave the company an ultimatum: sell the excess inventory or raise equity.

Outside investors aren’t going to let birddogs throw blankets in the ocean or do cool stunts on company time. So yeah…they have good reason to avoid raising equity.

Most companies wouldn’t explain why they’re doing a mark down, but birddogs isn’t like most companies. And honestly, if it means we can get kick-ass clothes for more than half off, then who cares?

If you haven’t tried birddogs, now is a great time to place your first order. We love these things, and we’re picking up as many as we can before prices go back up in a few days.