With the creation of Agua Con, a zero calorie, no sugar, no preservatives and no sodium water, the revolution in water has begun. This Los Angeles based product brings a new and refreshing twist to the drink market with evocative infusions of authentic Latino flavor.
The main driving force behind Agua Con was to create water that was not only thirst quenching but healthy for the community as well. Latinos are the economic emerging market in this country, controlling 1 trillion dollars in purchasing, which makes them the main influencers in our families dietary habits.
Photo Credit: Agua ConThe birth of Agua Con in 2012 symbolizes a new class in the production of water and drinks as a whole. Agua Con comes in flavors that many love and grew up with including Horchata, Lima y Limon, Pina y Coco, and Guayava, so people can now enjoy the great taste without the guilt or worry of calories, sugar, preservatives or sodium.
Photo Credit: Agua ConThe next level of water lies within each delicious bottle.
For more info on Agua Con, please visit www.DrinkAguaCon.com.