You might think grooming is something that takes place in the privacy of your home, but other settings do call for decorum. Take the office place as an example. Many of us spend the majority of our life in an office, without regard to our grooming habits. From grimy keyboards to snacking at your desk, here are some quick tips you can take to work to step up your grooming game.
Toothbrush and Toothpaste
While brushing your teeth twice a day is a great routine, most dentists do advise that it’s preferred to brush after every meal. If you eat at work then that means you’ll want to keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in your desk.This is especially true if you possess a speaking position and are required to stand in front of people. No one wants to see what you had for lunch lodged in your teeth.
Philips Sonicare HX6731/02 Healthywhite Rechargeable Electric ToothbrushMouthwash
Mouthwash is a great investment and can be purchased in travel-friendly sizes that slide into your drawer. Use mouthwash if you go out to lunch and indulge in spicy or garlic food that can create linger mouth odor. Mouthwash is also a great emergency remedy for toothache, which can strike anywhere at any time. Just rinse and spit.
Whether it’s that one SVP who makes you nervous or if you suffer from a tough commute, one of the most essential pieces for your office grooming kit is something to alleviate your sweat and your B.O. It doesn’t matter if you use the meanest deodorant known to man, there are always those days when stress and hot weather get the better of us and having a stick ready to go is a lifesaver.
A Spare Shirt
If you sweat a lot, it’s always a good idea to pack a spare; all it takes is the AC to go out or a water faucet to turn savage, and you could be the laughing stock of the office. Always keep a spare on hand to change into. This is also a great confidence booster if you are meeting with an important investor in the afternoon. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to conquer whatever comes next.
Dry Skin

Sitting under an AC unit all day can wreak havoc on your skin. Keeping a lotion on standby is a great way to tackle tough spots. Hands are especially susceptible to cracking. A chap stick and a simple hand cream is a great way to fight off itchy dry skin and stay comfortable during the work day. We love Jack Black chap stick with SPF and Jack Black hand cream for men. Both are NFL approved!
A comb is a staple item every man should carry with him. You never know what will happen to your hair throughout the day, but a comb can right most wrongs. Plus, when you are looking for the competitive edge, nothing makes a better impression than a man who has his style on point. It’s this kind of attention to detail that will land you that next big promotion!
Ok, so not a prerequisite to the office, but it’s nice to dream! As many guys like to kick off after work at the bar, you never know who you might run into or where the night will lead. Always keep a pack of in-date condoms on hand for Happy Hour, and feel confident knowing you covered all your bases. You worked hard this week, and deserve the time off, just enjoy it responsibly!
What grooming items do you keep in the office? Leave a comment below and let us know your workplace grooming hacks!