Food and Drink

6 Tips for Making Barista-Worthy Coffee at Home

There’s something satisfying about going to your favorite coffee shop and ordering that thick, creamy mocha. However, when you’re sat at home and you’re craving that drink on a rainy day, without the time to head out, you can be left dreaming about euphoria. Knowing that you can never fill your barista coffee void from the safety of your home is an atrocity. Don’t worry, disaster averted, it turns out there are things you can do at home to chase down that barista-worthy coffee. After all, however amazing their craft is, it’s not rocket science.

Gotta Be Fresh

More is not better when it comes to coffee. No matter how tempting it is to buy in bulk, try not to. Unlike a fine wine, coffee beans don’t get better with age. Once they’ve been roasted, you have around a month to use them. The best course of action is to only stock what you will use in the space of a couple of weeks.

Go Beans

Buy in coffee beans over ground coffee, as you will have a much fuller tasting coffee experience this way. There are so many different types of beans as well. For example, there is a coffee bean that has to pass through civet cats’ digestive systems first. This is because the Civet cat only eats the best coffee beans front the plant. Don’t worry, they’re completely treated and ready for your coffee antics by the time you get them.

It’s an Exact Science

When you bake a cake, you might just throw some ingredients in and hope for the best. However, when it comes to coffee, you can’t be taking shortcuts. Weighing out your coffee accurately significantly strengthens your chances of making a barista-worthy coffee. The golden rule when it comes to espresso is you need 17g of coffee for each 34g of water. Once you’ve mastered the basics you can begin to tweak the measurements at your pleasure.

Grind Then Brew

For the best taste out there, you should grind your coffee beans before you brew. There are plenty of coffee grinders on the market that are perfect for home use. When you grind your coffee fresh, the bean releases oils that add to the texture of the coffee pour.

Nail the Temperature

We said that making coffee isn’t rocket science, but there is an exact method to it. If you follow the rules, you’ll be making the perfect pour in no time. Get yourself a thermometer of some sort and aim to get your water to around 190-197°F – it should be just under boiling. There’s a fine line between too hot and too cold. If your water lands too cold, you will lose out on essential texture. If it’s too hot, you will burn your beans and the coffee will taste awful.

A Warm Mug

On the topic of temperature, you should ensure that your mug is heated before you pour your coffee. The last thing you want is to waste time getting your water to exactly the right temperature, only for it to hit a cold mug and damage the brew’s integrity. This is the same principle as using a hot plate to keep your food warm. All you need to do is pour some hot water into your mug while you wait for your coffee to brew.

Chasing the dream of a perfect barista coffee in the comfort of your own home isn’t unachievable – all you need to do is follow some simple guidelines. With a little bit of rocket science and some careful planning, you’ll be sipping pure bliss in no time.