Advice Men's Lifestyle

5 things every man should have in his bathroom

It’s no secret that, when it comes to self-maintenance, men often aren’t quite as thorough in their routines as women. However, we all obviously need to keep ourselves clean for hygiene reasons — and, by adding select items to your bathroom, you can hugely enrich your morning routine.

Lifestyle blogger Sarah-Jean Ballard says that having the right bathroom items at hand can “make your mood uplifted when you have to drag yourself to work amidst your struggle with the Monday Blues”.

High Quality Bathrobe 

The genius of having a bathrobe is that it can help you to save significant time. With this particular piece of clothing within ready reach, you can shower and then wear the bathrobe while having breakfast.

A bathrobe is ultimately, compared to a towel, warmer and more comfortable to have around your body — and you could even take that bathrobe with you to a spa or fitness club.

A Good-quality Replacement Showerhead 

Of course, any shower will already come with a showerhead as standard. However, you could be underestimating the practical benefits you would be able to gain from replacing your bathroom’s default showerhead with a new, higher-quality unit.

What exactly constitutes “higher-quality” in this context? Basically, you want a showerhead that would make it easy for you to get a spray of just the right temperature.

You could currently often face a problem where, as Ballard describes, “your water drips off your shower slowly and clumsily, unevenly in all directions.”

A Shower Door

You have probably often found yourself in the dispiriting situation of having to walk through a large puddle on the bathroom floor after getting out of the shower.

If you find that your shower curtain is not doing enough to prevent significant amounts of water from escaping the shower enclosure, you could replace that curtain with a shower door.

Once that door has been installed, you could close it just before having a shower — and consequently prevent yourself from having to dry up the bathroom floor later.


MensXP acknowledges that most men forget to apply aftershave — which, as the word itself implies, is meant to be used after a shave.

Since shaving skin can remove liquid from it, putting on aftershave is good for rehydrating that skin. However, you should avoid alcohol-based aftershaves, as these actually dehydrate the skin.

This risk is why it can be especially wise for you to peruse a wide range of men’s aftershaves available online. This tactic would enable you to look over product descriptions carefully so that you can find aftershaves containing natural ingredients like aloe vera.

A towel warmer

“An essential, really?” Yes, this would be an understandable reaction to seeing the above entry on the list. However, if you live somewhere with a relatively cold climate, you could find that a towel warmer is something else that can work well at saving you time.

When a towel is wet, you could place it on the warmer, paving the way for you to later retrieve that towel for immediate use.