You might think that these simple sunscreen tips for summer are super obvious, but each year some 50,000 men are diagnosed with aggressive and avoidable skin cancer. Many of these men are our brothers, fathers, sons, or even us. While treatment rates are slowly increasing, the best way to avoid a skin cancer diagnosis is to avoid the risks of skin damage as much as possible. That means following these five cardinal rules to prevent excessive sun exposure. Few men need die of this disease, so be sure to share this article with your loved ones.
Tip 1: Always Use Sunscreen
Even if it’s cloudy outside. Even if it’s raining. Even if it’s cold or snowing. The damaging rays of the sun can effectively penetrate your skin so long as there’s daylight. That means you should be wearing an SPF of at least 15 every day if you want to prevent skin cancer from happening to you. While that sounds laboursome, the good news is that many men’s grooming products such as moisturizers actually contain SPF 15 in their formula. If your current moisturizer doesn’t contain sunscreen, switch to one that does.
Neutrogena Clear Face Sunblock LotionTip 2: Always Reapply Sunscreen
Just because you apply sunscreen in the morning, does not mean you’re protected throughout the day. If you’re heading outdoors, always reapply sunscreen. Especially if you’re going to be near or in water. The reflection of the sun’s rays on water can exaggerate the effects of sun damage, so lather up often if you go fishing or swimming. The same can be said for less obvious situations. If you’re driving, for example, you may not realize that your arm is laying in the sun’s destructive path. Keep reapply as per the instructions on your sunscreen packaging.
Tip 3: Waterproof Versus Water Resistant
If you’re looking for true sun protection, water resistant formulas won’t carry much weight. These are not as hardy against water as the labeling might sound and are actually under investigation. The FDA is looking to remove the water resistant clause from sunscreen packaging as what constitutes as being resistant is a matter of personal opinion. When looking for reliable protection, a waterproof formula is currently your best bet but sadly that doesn’t guarantee the sunscreen won’t rub or wear off. Always keep reapplying!
EltaMD SPF 50 UV Sport Waterproof SunscreenTip 4: Look for Sunblock
The kids section in your local drugstore is the perfect place to find higher SPF value sunscreen protection and the coveted sunblock. Unlike the adult sections that push bronzers and self-tanners – neither contain SPF – the kids section is home to dependable sun protection. A sunblock is a step up from sunscreen, which filters out damaging rays. If you are fair haired, spend time in direct sun or want to maintain a youthful and wrinkle free complexion then sunblock may be the answer. This blocks out most of the sun’s rays.
Tip 5: Stick with Classic Cream Formulas
While there are many fantastic spray formulas, these should only be applied indoors and with considerable caution. A traditional cream formula allows for deliberate application. You’re much less likely to miss a spot, which means you’re much less likely to cause irreversible sun damage. While traditional cream formulas can take a little longer to apply, they have come a long way from the thick gloppy mess you might remember your mom applying at an early age. This is your best bet if you’re serious about sun protection!
Do you have a sunscreen tip? Leave a comment below and help others avoid skin cancer!