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The Best Hair Loss Products for Men

Photo credit: Idée Fixe

If you are starting to notice shedding in the tub, or that you’re losing hairs to shoulders of shirts and sweaters, then we feel your frustration. Hair loss can attack at any age, and men are more likely to experience noticeable hair loss when compared to our female counterparts. It doesn’t matter if you have a lot of hair that going missing, or a short style, as the thinning, spotty hair growth can quickly become noticeable; most of all to you.

Photo credit: The Hair Doctors

The good news is, most hair loss is a product of our environment, and there are things you can change to reduce or stop the hair loss. While we all lose around 100 hairs a day naturally, more than that will result in balding spots or patching. If you notice you have a receding hairline, or wear baseball caps and constantly put your head under assault, then you might find the excess shedding is a cry for help. It can recover quickly.

Male Standard discovered less than 1% of the male population suffer Andro-genetic Alopecia, a genetic disposition that makes it almost impossible to reverse the hair loss.

Here are the top 5 hair loss products for men:

1. DS Laboratories Revita Hair Shampoo for Men

DS Laboratories have devised a man’s hair loss shampoo and conditioning formula, which does not contain harmful chemicals such as Sodium laurel sulfate, or Sodium laurite sulfate, found in most commercial shampoos and conditioners. These ingredients, which promote lathering, can damage the hair follicles and prevent new growth. Instead, switch to a shampoo that does not damage, and which has added natural foliate stimulants to reverse the effects.  

The Revita in this name comes from the revitalizing ingredients that stimulate blood flow and new growth. When your hair is in a shedding phase, which can last a few weeks or months, it can be helpful to trigger the growth period instead. Hair has three stages, and is continually moving in a cycle. When you give your hair the environment that is typical of growth, it will respond in kind. Take that away, and it will move into shedding.

Photo credit: Amazon

2. L’Oreal Paris Vive Pro for Men

Another great product for cleaning your hair is a two in one formula from L’Oreal Paris that cleanses and conditions men’s hair that is prone to hair loss. As many men seldom condition, they often forget to add back the essential nutrients needed to nourish and protect hair; but not you, right? Switching out to a thickening shampoo is ideal for men who are experiencing thinning, or natural thin hair and who could do with a boost.

Thickening styling products are a great investment that can give you instant results, as you boost the roots and overall appearance of the hair, giving the visual there is more there than before. Just do not be tempted to comb-over hair in a bid to replace missing areas. You can also cut longer hair short, to reduce the total hair loss, and to give the same appearance of thicker fuller hair without changing your routine.

Photo credit: Amazon

3. American Crew Hair Recovery Patches

The official brand for Mad Men hair, American Crew have created a unique product for men who are experiencing moderate to severe hair loss that actually works. The patches are applied to the temple and hairline areas, where noticeable hair loss is occurring, and help to supply fortified nutrients. The patches are see through, and left on for 20 minutes and help the skin to absorb the product deeply.

Apply the patches daily for as long as needed to ensure the hair gains the essential amino acids and proteins needed for healthy growth.

Photo credit: Amazon

4. Cabookie Hair Loss Concealer

If the hair loss is severe, then immediate results are desirable. This hair concealer is a unique product that can help combat the illusion of balding, or patches, that occur in the crown or hairlines. Simple add the product as you would a gel or styling serum, into the hair, and style into shape. The colored product will adapt to the hair around it, giving the appearance of thick full hair, which is rich in color. You can also dye your hair for a similar effect.

Photo credit: Amazon

5. Vichy Pro Hair Loss Treatment

Sadly, if you are in the severe stages of hair loss, then investing in a quality hair care régime is paramount. While protective and preventative, this daily conditioning treatment can help the scalp and hair follicles recover from extended periods of damage. The idea is to use the product each day to help strengthen and rebuild with an intensive régime, and once the hair growth is back to normal, you can move into regular treatments once more.

Note: If you continue to treat your hair poorly, or revert to your old styling régime, then the hair will also likely decide to shed faster. Think of your hair as a houseplant, it needs constant nourishment to remain happy and healthy.

Photo credit: Amazon

Hair loss can strike at any time, but these five products will help you figure out how to deal with the consequences. Whether you begin to notice a few, or sudden hair loss, there are actionable steps you can take to prevent and reduce the appearance of bald spots. The choice is up to you if you decide to implement a hair care régime, but we strongly suggest that you begin to look after your hair as soon as possible, and for as long as possible for best results.

Don’t forget to let us know which of the 5 best hair loss products for men you’ll be using!

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