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The Best Ways to Fight Yellow Teeth

When Crest 3D launched the marketing slogan “if you’re not whitening, you’re yellowing” we knew they were onto something important. White teeth are a sign of healthy teeth and your mouth is often the first thing someone notices when they first meet you; make that impression counts! Sadly, whitening is not something that happens naturally, we’re continually discoloring, staining, and even encouraging the damaging effects of eating, talking, and drinking, on a daily basis by not taking preventative measures. What you are doing to help?

Photo credit: Frugal Mom

Here at Male Standard HQ, we wanted to bring some of the best tips to the table to help you get back those pearly whites and maintain them using only a few quick steps each day. We’ve even added in our recommendations of products that are working for us, but don’t forget you can always leave a comment below to key us up on what’s working for you too.

Preparing Your Own DIY Whitening Toolkit

Before you can begin to create an awesome smile, you have to know what you are working with and arm yourself accordingly. Toothpaste and a standard toothbrush are effective, but they are only as good as they claim within the first three months of use. Toothbrushes must be replaced regularly if you want to maintain good oral hygiene. If you notice that the bristles start to come lose or you don’t get that “deep clean” feeling, consider switching between brands or updating the device at hand.

Most name brands have an option of purchasing an all-round toothpaste with added whitener (look for the dazzling bright white packaging to get the right one), the active ingredient in these products is typically hydrogen peroxide (which you can buy on its own with a dentist approved 3% active level for around a dollar a bottle from your local pharmacy) and aids in the whitening process. Toothpaste will help you reduce the buildup that causes stains and keep bad breath at bay.

For extra effect, many whitening mouthwashes are now available on the market and offer the same active ingredients that should be used together to get the best results – although you don’t necessarily have to use the same brand toothbrush if you don’t want to, that’s mostly marketing hype. Mouthwash reaches the areas where even a toothbrush dares to reach and is one of the best ways to refresh your day.

What You Will Need:

Sticking to a Whitening a Schedule

You can go to the dentist once every six to twelve months to boost a brighter whiter smile, but most dentists will agree that continual efforts will achieve the same if not better results for a fraction of the price. Many certified dentists use hydrogen peroxide as well, so save shelling out on those massive expenses and follow these tips on how best to deep clean and maintain the same dazzling effects at home.

Mark off some time in the calendar if you are prone to forget, and take these daily actions in between scheduled whitening appointments to lighten and maintain the desired results.

Here are some quick tips on how to keep your teeth from aging:

Introducing Deep Cleaning and Whitening in One

Next up, you will want to review your teeth every three, six, or twelve months depending on where in the process you are. If you need immediate assistance, to say fix a broken tooth then avoiding the dentist is not a great idea. If you want to bring yellow teeth to white quickly follow these steps over one to three months and apply the steps advised more frequently. Otherwise, 6 month checks and 12 month applications are more than suitable to keep things rolling along smoothly.

A word of caution, over whitening can make some teeth more sensitive. You might find that a small amount of discomfort arises during or after the process. If this happens, relax and assess whether this is a small price to pay for whiter teeth, or if you are whitening or using too many products at one time and overwhelming your teeth. You can always take a break from intensive deep cleaning routines and rely on the daily actions to bring about the same changes over a longer timeframe.

The Best Whitening Products to Consider

A great home remedy that can be used daily, or once a week, is to mix hydrogen peroxide (3%) with a spoonful of baking soda and use the combined paste as toothpaste in addition to your usual routine. You can also use hydrogen peroxide neat as a mouthwash; the foaming action may be unsettling for some but many guys come to acknowledge this fizzing sensation as their teeth becoming cleaner. It is also a great way to reduce bacteria in the mouth! Use for at least three minutes per application and rinse thoroughly after.

Photo credit: Walgreens

Medium Frequency Whitening Products

Crest 3D Whitening Strips range from $20-45 and are available from most pharmacists – you can also hunt down coupons online as these are slightly costly but much less than thousands of dollars at a dentist (and they really work!). These strips are for use on natural teeth only, and will lighten your teeth over the course of only one pack (or 20 days). These results start to show within only three days and should last for twelve months with daily care.

Apply the strips to the top front teeth and leave for 30 minutes each day (you can do this while you are showering or getting ready in the morning). Simply remove and brush your teeth and continue on to a brighter day. Repeat this process as needed.

Photo credit: Amazon

Low Frequency Whitening Products

The Premium Home Whitening System is an intensive procedure that you can do at home and will help to lighten teeth from the inside out. This kit also comes with a handy desensitizer, as you might find intensive whitening a little uncomfortable. The kit looks more like something you would expect a dentist to use, and unlike other home kits, accommodates both the front and back of teeth for a complete clean.

Photo credit: Amazon

The syringes are not for any horrific use, but to apply the whitening paste to the inside of the mouth so you can reach those hard to get spots. The mouth guard keeps the gel in place, and should be used daily until the pack is complete to achieve a shade of difference. You can apply this as often as needed but once every six months is more than adequate.

Stop Yellow Teeth Today!

So now you know how to tackle your teeth, there’s no excuse not to start reversing the signs of yellow teeth today! Find more ways useful ways to tackle yellowing teeth and other assorted male grooming questions from the Male Standard approved Male Grooming Guide, complete with life-changing secrets on how to take control of your image at home.

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