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Unwanted Hair Removal: The Face

As any seasoned man will tell you, the older one gets, the more hair they find in places they don’t like. Namely visibly places where hair is not deemed acceptable or attractive by society. There are several features of a man that should be kept clean regardless of your profession or bachelor status. Certain areas of the face and head require almost daily attention to keep a fresh and appealing presence. Here’s a quick tutorial for a basic rundown on what to do and where to do it:

Areas: nose, ears, eyebrows

Tools: electric trimmer, small angle-tipped scissors, tweezers

Frequency: as often as you see them protruding


The older you get, the more you’ll have to watch these guys. When you’re about to lean in and make your move on the dance floor, she suddenly sees your ear fur and bails. No one wants this scenario, so grab your tweezers once a week to pluck any strays you see. As you progress, the more hairy of men might want to upgrade to the electric trimmer here. I’ve never felt comfortable with scissors in my ear, who knows when you’ll get a vibrating phone call or a knock at the door to startle you.


Similar to the ears, you’ll want to keep your nose as tidy as possible. When you’re up close and personal in someone’s grill, one of the first things they can see is your nose. So make sure it’s kept clean by plucking strays with your tweezers. Many people prefer scissors here, but if it is more than a couple plucks with a tweezers a week – a trimmer becomes a good investment. If you think it isn’t important to do this, look at that old guy in the bar no one is getting within ten feet of.


Regardless of how famous you are, most of the world does not accept the unibrow or grotesquely bushed out eyebrows. So take some water on your finger and brush your eyebrow hair up. Using your scissors, make a neat, natural looking line that gets rid of any stray hairs or clumps. Tweezing hairs on your eyebrows could result in splotchy bare areas, so be careful. Tweezing only should occur when plucking those unibrow hairs from the middle or thinning out bushy eyebrows from the bottom up. Use your pinky finger as a guide for how far to keep your eyebrows away from your groomed hair.

For those who enjoy going out to male salons, facial waxing is also an option that is relatively pain free and inexpensive. All of these tasks take a combined time of ten minutes maximum in the bathroom and, when done regularly, will make you more appealing to the professional and social worlds. I suggest using them as an early Monday morning wake up routine, as nothing preps you for the work week like pulling out your own hair – before someone else makes you want to.

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