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Top 6 Tips To Turn Your Kickboxing Hobby Into A Business

Kickboxing is an exhilarating, challenging, and fun combat sport with a huge range of physical and mental benefits.

Benefits include muscular and bone strength, cardiovascular health, increased coordination and flexibility, and generally better mental health and confidence.

But you knew that. And now you want to turn your kickboxing hobby into a business.

Here’s how.

Conduct Research And Brainstorm

You will push your business endeavor to greatness with a genuine passion for the art of kickboxing. Let that passion reign! Sit down, conduct statistical research, and brainstorm (possibly with a business partner) any ideas that come to mind.

You will find it easy to come up with creative ideas due to the versatility of kickboxing. Make the journey exciting!

Ask yourself questions such as:

Then focus on logistics.

Choose Your Target Audience

Since “Rocky” and “Raging Bull”, kickboxing has been an ever-advancing trend. 2016 is when it took off. Statistics predict an increase in demand from now to 2026.

The health and wellness industry has blossomed over the years as people have become more conscious of their physical and mental health. It is well-known to be one of the best aerobic exercises for men. However, choose your target audience wisely.

Kickboxing includes footwork and movement elements of karate, Muay Thai, and Western boxing. Thus, your audience could be committed martial arts competitors seeking extra training.

Other target audiences may be kids, fitness enthusiasts, or those seeking catharsis and release from anger issues.

Consider marketing to your target audience on ever-advancing social media.

Create a Curriculum

Creating a kickboxing curriculum is your next step once you have this information.

If you desire your business to have a grading system, register with the WKO (World Kickboxing Organization) for legal purposes.

If grading isn’t important, focus on creating your own curriculum by setting the frequency, duration, and variety of your classes.

Variety keeps the experience interesting and diverse. You could have a footwork and positioning class, a strength-focused class, a cardio class, etc.

Long-term memberships allow clients to monitor their progress over time. Offer additional classes such as yoga (for stretching and warming muscles) to make your kickboxing business unique.

Work Out Your Budget

Don’t jump into any business venture without a solid budget plan.

Planning your budget requires more forethought than many people think. Budget for equipment, property, and marketing.

Investors will want to see a business and budget plan. And clients who are experienced will notice if your equipment is of low quality.  Necessary equipment may include punching bags, padded helmets, jump ropes, gloves, mattresses, and weight-bearing machines. Budget for something as simple as tape.

Don’t forget about maintenance, repairs, upgrades, rent, staff wages, utility bills, insurance, marketing, licensing/accreditation, and injury liability costs.

It may seem overwhelming, but there are numerous billing and budgeting software to make planning easier. Additionally, you can organize a start-up loan.

Find A Suitable Location

Starting small to build up your client base is an option. You could provide personal training or classes in a park with shadowboxing, cardio, and skipping.

Then progress to an established, easily locatable building. A newly built one that allows for future expansion is preferred. Expansion may include rooms for other beneficial classes.

When choosing your location, make note of parking arrangements. If there is already a property manager and community restrooms, even better.

Providing seating space for spectators is a must. Also, make note of high ceilings and natural lighting to make a smaller kickboxing room feel larger. Square or rectangular rooms are ideal for clear lines of sight.

Survey your landscape for competing businesses. You want to be the best or only option in the area. And consider placing interesting signage to attract walk-ins.

Hire Staff

Managing, marketing, and monitoring the logistics of a kickboxing establishment requires effort and time. You will burn out quickly if you attempt to do everything.

Thus, hiring qualified, accredited, and specialized trainers to teach classes is crucial. Take time to assess their competence and certifications critically.

Kickboxing is a high-impact and intense art. Therefore, your team must have first-aid and CPR training. Renew their training and encourage further education frequently to upgrade your business over time.

Naturally, friendly staff members will make everyone’s kickboxing experience much more pleasant. Nervous newcomers will surely return if they feel welcomed and empowered.


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