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The Insider Secrets of Immaculately Groomed Men

Being well groomed doesn’t have to be an expensive or time-consuming endeavour. In fact, when you keep on top of your grooming routine with these smart tips, you will find yourself spending less time in the bathroom and more time having fun. Being immaculately groomed will send out a signal to the universe you are a handsome, confident man with a plan. So stop waiting until the last minute to pull yourself into shape and start pathing the way with these insider secrets shared by immaculately groomed men!

Book Your Next Barber Appointment at the Barbers

While this may sound like common sense, many men wait until their hair is kicking up a fuss before they walk into their barbershop. If you notice your hair is starting to become unruly, then other people have noticed too. This is not the way of the immaculately groomed man. If you book your next haircut at the time of your current appointment, you will guarantee the barber of your choice too. We recommend going every four weeks. If your hair grows faster or slower, you can add or remove a week as needed.

Own Your Signature Scent

The immaculately groomed man takes the time to find a cologne that suits his overall presence. His cologne was not a gift or something he stumbled upon in a bargain bin. It’s a scent that appeals to him and wears to his liking. People should meet you first, but remember your cologne like a calling card. If you need to wear a lot or it’s a strong fragrance, you may be repelling people. Instead, look for a personal yet signature fragrance that lingers pleasantly in the back of their mind. You should change your cologne with the seasons too.

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Upgrade Your Toothbrush

If there are two important details everyone notices about you, it is your shoes and your smile. Upgrade from a manual toothbrush to an electric brush for a superior smile. Everyday treats like wine and coffee stain teeth. Using an electric toothbrush allows for a gentle but thorough clean between regular dentist visits. Oh, you don’t go to the dentist regularly? The immaculately groomed man does. Perhaps you should make an appointment with a dental hygienist today.

Manscape Correctly

Manscaping is no longer reserved for porn stars or date night. It is as important to be well groomed as it is hygienic. Keep things neat and trim downstairs, and avoid taking off too much hair. No one looks good stark bold. You never know when the mood will strike, and being manscaped has all manner of positive effects like boosting your confidence and encouraging your lover to engage in oral sex. So do the right thing and get to business every 3 to 5 days. A good body groomer can take care of this task in a few minutes.

Speaking of Stray Hairs

If you have excess hair sprouting from your nose, ears, or eyebrows, fear not. This is a common problem that happens to most men, and will only get more prevalent as we age. The trick to being well-groomed is to own up to these stragglers and give them the boot. An appointment at a local salon will cost you less than $20 for a bi-weekly tidy up and will give you immaculate results, or you can invest in a nose and ear trimmer at home and incorporate it into your shaving routine.

Trim Your Nails

The immaculately groomed man understands the power of the first impression and the all-important handshake. That is why he takes care of his nails and does not trim them with his teeth. If your nails are too long, you can go to a salon for some TLC, or you can use a nail set for men at home. These are slightly larger versions of the nail tools you borrow from your girlfriend, and will tackle stubborn, hard nails with ease. A nail set costs a few dollars, but could score you the next job interview or that big promotion!

There you have it gents, a quick recap of what immaturely groomed men are doing to look and feel their best. If you aren’t on top of these grooming tips, don’t worry. It’s all about what you do today that counts! 

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