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My wife’s personal trainer always forgets these shorts at my house.

I know what it sounds like. And NO, my wife is not out of shape. Plenty of fit people use personal trainers. It just so happens that her personal trainer is great at exercising but an awful house guest.

He leaves his birddogs scattered around in the oddest places. I think it’s because they have a built-in liner and he is being super hygienic. Maybe he picked that up from my wife.

Whenever she comes home she immediately takes a shower. So one day I decided to take a pair of his birddogs for a spin. Honestly, they’re the best. The most comfortable thing I own is now the most versatile thing I own.

Take a chance on birddogs guys. They’re the only thing he wears when he works my wife out in our bedroom, and he’s someone I can trust.


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