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Male grooming trends to try in 2023

Between 2015 and 2017 the market value for men’s grooming increased by nearly £100 million. As men become more comfortable and aware of grooming including skin care, facial hair care and cosmetic procedures, you may be wondering what grooming products and procedures could work for you. Here we will take a look at some male grooming trends for 2023 to hopefully give you some inspiration.

Facial hair

The global beard grooming market is thought to reach over £35 million by 2026 which is reflected by the growing facial hair trend for men across the world.

With 40% of UK men now sporting some kind of facial hair, you may be planning to grow or are looking for ways to maintain yours. The kind of maintenance tools that you need will depend on the kind of facial hair that you have, however, professional hairdressing clippers are always a great idea to ensure a sculpted look. You may also look to use beard oils, balms, combs and other products to keep your facial hair looking fresh.

Some of the top facial hair trends in 2023 include:

Skin minimalism

Men are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of looking after their skin, but with all of the skincare products on the market, it can be overwhelming to know which ones you should be applying. As such, within male grooming, skin minimalism is becoming a key part of men’s grooming routines which is a brilliant way to ensure that you are caring for your skin with a reduced number of skincare products.

This means that quality trumps quantity. As such, you should look out for products like a daily cleanser, moisturiser with SPF included and potentially an evening serum that involves retinol to help reverse fine lines and ageing overnight.


As we see a rise in the number of men concerned with caring for their skin, it shouldn’t be a surprise to see men heading to salons or dermatologists to get facial treatments. From lymphatic massages to reduce swelling and fine lines to acne and deep cleansing facials – whatever skin concerns you have there will be a facial to help!

Laser hair removal

While laser hair removal is generally associated with women who want to remove their body hair, men are choosing to have the procedure done more than ever before. Generally, men choose to have laser hair removal on their ears, back, chest and between their eyebrows – but you can have it anywhere on your body.

If you have struggled to keep certain areas of your body hair maintained, you may look into the procedure for a more permanent option.

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