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How to Create a Transformative New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

New Year Resolutions happen for one very obvious reason – the New Year is the natural time to ‘out with the old, and in with the new,’ and seek change. However, if you’ve been making the same resolutions year in year out, or find yourself confessing to the same old cliches, then it may be high time to rethink your resolutions. Unless they mean something to you, or reflect a true change you want to see in yourself, then the chance of completing a New Year’s Resolution is slim. Unfortunately, many people fail before they start, but secretly want to succeed. Instead, follow our three simple tips that’ll put you on the track to success!

Tip 1: Be Specific

How to Create a Transformative New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

When it comes to developing a worthwhile New Years Resolution, you must create a game plan. The more specific your resolution, the more likely you will be to succeed in the long run. This is because no goal ever came true without setting milestones. These are the small increments along the way that guide your significant results. Instead of saying, “I want to lose weight.” Be specific and define why you want to lose weight, and what results you want to see by 2016. For example, you might now say, “I want to lose 25 pounds or 8% body fat, and focus on toning my arms.” Now you have a way to track your success and direct your course of action.

Tip 2: Set Reminders

How to Create a Transformative New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

While the chatter of New Year’s Resolutions tends to drop off by February, this isn’t an excuse to avoid your goals. Rather than giving up or falling off the bandwagon, set a monthly reminder to refocus your energy. Having this monthly reminder will keep you focused on your goal and the specifics necessary in order to make them happen. It might sound easy, and it is, but until you actually set that reminder you won’t appreciate how powerful this technique is. Your monthly reminder should be a cue to revisit your resolution and refocus your attention on your bigger goal. Remember, no one else is going to guide you. Take the initiative yourself!

Tip 3: Celebrate Your Successes

How to Create a Transformative New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

One of the biggest mistakes that we see is forgetting to celebrate your successes. If you think that New Years Resolutions can only be celebrated in December, it probably means you’ve never accomplished one. This is why; when you skip the celebrations, you lose your incentive to keep going. We work best when surrounded by positivity and yearn for encouragement. It’s natural to want to feel good. However, working towards a goal creates friction. Unless you make time to ease that friction with celebration and applause, which can be as significant or insignificant as you would like, then you’ll just be setting yourself up for failure. Aim to make you feel good often!

Tell Us Your New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

How to Create a Transformative New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

A bonus tip you can use to set a transformative New Year’s Resolution for 2015 is to leave a comment below pledging your intentions. By drawing strength from the Male Standard community, you’ll be more likely to succeed. Think of us like your very own personal trainer, mentor, and sage all rolled into one. By having an army of people to support you and raise you up, giving up won’t become an option. Instead, at the first sight of weakness you’ll be reminded of all the reasons why this resolutions means so much to you, which will put you back in the driving seat to success. We’re here to cheer you on, so let us know how we can help you this coming year!

Our Male Standard Resolution – “Brogra!”

How to Create a Transformative New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

To help get you started, we’ll share our New Year’s Resolution for 2015 first! This coming year, we wanted to create a resolution that transforms our mind, body and soul for 2015. We wanted to create something that the every man could join in with, and see results from. That’s why we’re pledging, “We want to learn five new yoga poses that we can use to reduce stress, increase strength, and support positive breathing habits.” These five simple techniques should be at a level you are comfortable with and should aim to help you relax, build core strength, and improve your posture all at once. For only five minutes a day, you could undergo a total body transformation!

So go on, leave a comment and let us know what New Year’s Resolution you’re setting for 2015! 

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