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Wallet TrackR: Use your iPhone or Android to Locate Your Wallet & Keys in Seconds

Wallet TrackR is an ultra thin device that can easily slip inside a wallet, or be attached to any commonly misplaced item, to help find and locate those necessary items should you loose them. The device wirelessly connects to the user’s iPhone or Android device via the TrackR app. The TrackR app monitors the location of the user’s items and enables users to find any item in 3 swipes or less. The TrackR device has been designed specifically to comfortably fit inside any wallet and withstand being sat on continuously. The ultra thin design has been engineered to last up to 2 years using slim coin sized batteries allowing users to not have to worry about charging the device. The TrackR technology is the only technology that enables users to not only monitor the location of their items but also the phone using unique two way tracking.

What Can You Track?


Download the App here. 

About Wallet TrackR

Lost Something? Wallet TrackR from Phone Halo can help. Wallet TrackR provides tracking software and devices so you’ll never waste time searching for lost items again. Phone Halo started as a project at the University of California, Santa Barbara’s Technology Management Program (TMP) and engineering school in 2008. The idea came to the founders when a friend had lost his phone repeatedly and the founders had a constant problem of losing everything from keys to backpacks to forgetting where they parked their cars in the crowded streets of Isla Vista.

They launched the first generation TrackR at the prestigious DEMO 2010 conference and received the elite DEMOgod award. Since then, the product has evolved into Wallet TrackR, an ultra thin device that can slip inside your wallet or be attached to any commonly misplaced item. The device wirelessly connects to the user’s iPhone or Android via the TrackR app, which monitors the location of the wallet or the user’s items. The device can withstand being sat on continuously, with a battery life of up to two years. Phone Halo has released multiple products to market that help people keep track of their valuables, also helping people locate thousands of items. The next big tech accessory has arrived!

Follow Wallet TrackR by PhoneHalo @TrackRapp or on Instagram at TrackRapp!
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