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TROVE Gameplay — The MMO Cubed

Whether you are a serious gamer or looking for a fun way to idyll away a Sunday afternoon, we have a new tip to put you onto; Trove is a sandbox MMORPG with unique voxel graphics by Trion Worlds.  In non-nerd talk, this a funky retro game where you run around hunting-gathering and building neat stuff.  Visually, the game was inspired by Minecraft, but unlike Minecraft, Trove features more traditional MMORPG gameplay, with a unique emphasis on player crafting.

Adventure, explore, and create in Trove, the acclaimed voxel RPG set in a massive universe of online worlds. Whether hunting treasure in far-off lands or building realms of your own, it’s never been this good to be square!

Introducing the Trove Gameplay

When you start, you are prompted to choose a class.  Experienced gamers will be familiar with this concept.  It is where you pick a style of gameplay that has specific character idiosyncracies.  Think of it like playing Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader.  Your first class is free so choose wisely as you will need to upgrade to unlock other classes.  We had fun choosing between fun personalities such as the Salty Seadog or the Candy Barbarian, who has a hunger for sweet treats!  [Check out the classes here]

Candy Barbarian

The Candy Barbarian is a powerful melee combatant whose sugar-inspired rage fuels a wide variety of special attacks!

The opening level introduces you to a retro 3D platform came with cubed graphics.  Again, gamers are going to pick up on the nostalgic references right away.  The settings are easy to access and we got started within a few minutes.  This is definitely one of those games where you can jump in and get playing, and figure things out as you go, but a storyline does reveal itself.  We found that half the fun in this adventure game is exploring.   As you get into the open play layout, you will stumble upon fun actions to complete.

Enjoy the walkthrough and learning how to interact with your vibrant new world.  You collect experience, items, and even pets as you go creating your own fantasy world.  Unlike 2D platform games, there is no strict A-B style goals.  Instead, Trove players are curious and welcome the unknown.  If you enjoy other notable 3D platform games then Trove is going to be an addictive addition to your repertoire and unlike those other big brands, this one is free.  Especially neat considering there are upgrades and expansions coming soon!

The Male Standard Verdict

If you love MMO’s and RPG’s then we highly recommend checking out Trove.  It’s an addictive, fun game that doesn’t take itself for any gamer seriously.  It’s a great platform to get acquainted with the gameplay of other established brands.  As it’s free, if you don’t love it you won’t be missing out.  However, it’s unique blend of old school gaming and graphics with modern twists makes this a super fun catch for gamers of all abilities.

If you love building, engineering, collecting, and generally building an empire online, then you are going to dig Trove.  From what we understand, this is a sandbox edition, so expect lots of changes and developments as this game grows into a fully fledged game.  We all found Trove to be an instant hit.  The controls are intuitive.  It’s familiar to other gameplay, but it is completely unique and has its own identity in the crafting world.

TROVE is available for PC and Mac.

To get started, visit Trion Worlds for free; here you will find character info, tips, and even other fans.  You can get brand updates on their social media @TroveGame.  Let us know what you think! 

With thanks to Trove for sponsoring this post and providing product and or compensation for an honest review and inclusion in Male Standard.

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