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Tips To Impress Her On A First Date

Do you think she’s worth having? If yes, then you have to impress her on your first date. Otherwise, you’ll blow your chances of a second and third date.

Many guys try too hard to impress a girl on the first day. They’ll think of the “coolest” quips that will tickle the girl’s wit and sense of humor, but it’s forced. You should realize that you’ll only screw things up by taking this approach.

What do you need to do to score well on the first date? Below are a few tips to keep in mind.

Call instead of Texting

A phone call can achieve in one minute what a back-and-forth text-messaging will do in twenty—that’s enough reason to call your date. A call is a great way to humanize the interaction and put both of you at ease. It’s also a simple expression of your confidence and personability.

Be Yourself and Keep it Casual

You don’t need to be too formal (like you would when dealing with some escort services). You must be gentle and polite, though.

Actions like slowing down your pace while walking with her and holding the door for her will make your date feel good about you.

Actions like slowing down your pace while walking with her and holding the door for her will make your date feel good about you.

Should You Bring a Gift or Not?

There are contradicting opinions on this question. If you don’t know this girl, then going on a first date with her is for the purpose of getting to know her better.

You probably don’t know what she likes and what she doesn’t yet. You could bring a flower, for example, and she turns out to be allergic to pollen. There are too many unknown variables in bringing gifts to a first date, so rather leave it at home.

It’s Not An Interview

It’s good to prepare a few questions in advance in case the conversation dies right at the start of dinner. Make sure that you don’t come off as an investigative reporter looking for the finest details about the girl, though.

Keep it natural. Ask a question casually and allow her to answer. Frame a few more questions from the answer as long as she seems interested in that topic.

Asking a series of interview-like questions may not end well.

Show Decisiveness

For many women, nothing is sexier than a man with a plan who can simply make decisions and lead the way. Women want to know that you can be an assertive yet respectful man that they desire, and that can be easily seen if you make a few demonstrative decisions.

For many women, nothing is sexier than a man with a plan who can simply make decisions and lead the way.

Making simple choices, like choosing the restaurant and ordering the wine, makes you come across as a leader. It shows that you can take control, giving a hint that you can take charge in more intimate areas of the relationship, too.

Pay The Bill

It can be a red flag if you don’t pay—your date may offer to cover her half, but don’t let her (at least for the first date). If you are averse to the “men pay” tradition, make sure you explain why you can’t handle the whole bill tactfully.

These tips will ensure you’re an impressive feature on your first date, so put on your best and go in with confidence.

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