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The Ultimate Secrets to Pleasuring Yourself

We at always aim to provide valuable and interesting content for our readers. In this article,  we are going to be looking at the top secrets to having the best masturbations.

With the holidays coming around the corner, we highly recommend that you look at our secrets and aim for the best orgasms ever.

Many men learn their masturbating techniques growing up and simply aim for the quickest and quietest way to complete the action, with the aim of not being disturbed by anyone. As adults, we should take our time to have the best experience and pleasure.

See some of top secrets to having a more pleasurable time alone in the bedroom here:

1. Changing Hands

Maybe you have tried this once or twice growing up, however if done correctly, this can give you an intense rush like no other. Use your non-dominant hand and turn your hand and twist and stroke at the same time. Another method involves holding your shaft close to your stomach and quickly sliding your fingers up and down on the underside.

Using your opposite hand can definitely change things up, try this next time.

2. Use a Toy

The use of a toy can bring pleasure like anything else and we highly recommend you try it.  Using a masturbation toy will give you something different and will change the way you look at it again. Use it to simulate real action and it will take things to the next level. The best on the market is the Turboo, a male masturbation cup with Tracy’s Dog proprietary technology – CFEET, Centrifugal Forced Ejaculation Enhancement Technology. This advanced technology outputs ultra-high rotation speed up to 13,000 rounds/min with 3 dynamic vibration modes.

3. Masturbate After Working Out

You will be sure to notice that after working out or doing any form of exercise, you will be hornier than normal. There is a reason for this, adrenaline and dopamine is pumping around and after feeling so good it is great to pleasure yourself during this time. The blood flow is great and you are ready for a great orgasm.

4. Try The Edging Technique

If you have time, there is a technique called edging, basically it is the start-stop method in which you stop before you are going to finish. With this if you take a short break, and do this a couple of times, the orgasm will be more intense than normal.

5. Play with your balls.

The testicals are just as sensitive as your penis, for a more intense orgasm be sure to bring them into play. Try to stimulate your balls the next time you are doing solo masturbation and you will be sure to feel a different kind of pleasure.

6. Change Your Stroke and Speed

The idea is that to mix it up, we fully recommend you trying different strokes and different speeds. Whether that is slowing down or speeding up, change is great for experiencing different pleasures.

7. Use Lubrication

Even though this might seem OTT, masturbation is definitely better when everything is wet. Take your solo pleasure to the next level and put a few drops on and het ready for a different feeling.


Have we missed anything else from the list that is a sure fire way to giving you a better orgasm when masturbating? If so, drop a comment and we will be sure to update this article in the future.

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