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How To Take Your Tailgating to the Next Level of Awesomeness

Tailgating is a right of passage, and with it, there are rules and decorum. To the casual observer, you may be tricked into thinking tailgating is just a Hootenanny free for all, but to the experienced Champ, tailgating is a sport unto itself. Tailgating is all about the pre-event, when you get to hang out with the crowds, and embrace in the excitement of Game Day with good food, drinks, people, and times to be had all on offer. This is so much so that tailgating can often be the main event, especially if event tickets sell-out. Who needs to pay exorbitant prices when you can start your own backyard or parking lot party? To help get ready for Game Day and the upcoming NFL Season, Male Standard put their heads together to ascertain the five tips to tailgating. These will help you coordinate, put into action, and plan a party to remember in a few simple steps!

Tailgating Tip 1: Plan Ahead

As tailgating starts before the big game, you shouldn’t be surprised to find the start time is kicked back into the early afternoon, or even morning. You want to allow at least four hours to set up, eat, drink, and get merry before the game begins. Depending on the start time (a noon kick off is not unheard of), you’re going to want to have everything lined up, in coolers, and ready to haul into the back of your truck ready for the grill. Chances are, you won’t be fully compos mentis until you arrive, so don’t leave it to luck to have everything you need. Pre-season and skewer chunks of steak to make kebabs the night before, which do nicely on the grill and leave you free to enjoy the pre-game hype.

Tailgating Tip 2: Keep It Simple

It’s tempting to pack your kitchen into the bed of your truck, but trust us when we say, when you arrive, all will be forgotten. Tailgating is all about the people and the excitement. While you might think deck chairs are practical, slam down the bed of your truck and roll old school. It’s one less thing to remember when it’s time to pack up. And pack up you will have to do. Plan your fares as if you’re going into battle, and pack lightly. No one needs twelve different condiments or four mixers when you stick to the basics. We recommend pulling together resources so that everyone arrives with a themed appetizer or drink. That way you can cover all the bases, have a good selection, without massive organization on your part.

Tailgating Tip 3: Quality Over Quantity

To keep things simple and fun, stick to the golden rule of quality over quantity. Don’t be the guy who brings 80 bottles of lame beer that no one drinks. Not only is it bad manners, but you’ll have to cart your fares home, where even your furry friend is going to turn its nose up at your shenanigans. Instead, bring a bottle or two of the well respected Hornitos Lime Shot tequila, and show your friends you mean business. It’s 100% Blue Agave, and can be taken in shots, or mixed into your choice of cocktail. The added lime and salt have all the poppin’ flavors, without having to wrap and transport weird articles such as salt and pepper shakers that inevitably get lost. Organized is the way to go, and your buddies will thank you for the decent fares!

Tailgating Tip 4: Shots Reign Supreme

Hornitos Lime Shot

Speaking of shots, when it comes to tailgating, you can’t go wrong with these super fun party starters. There are dozens of games you can play to get into the party spirit that can take you all the way to the end zone. Take a shot each time your team scores to celebrate, or twist it up and take a shot when the other team scores to up the ante, it’ll totally throw your senses off. Shots are also the perfect way to get neighborly on a budget, and are easily sharable as mini-shots of comradery between tailgating camps. You never know who’ll be tailgating next to you, and having a sweet introduction is a fail safe game plan for those on the singles scene. We love that Hornitos Lime Shot tastes like your bartender mixed this badass blend, right from the bottle. She’ll love that you’re not a cheapskate without tailgating etiquette.

Tailgating Tip 5: Have a Safety Plan

Afer all your drinking, eating, schmoozing and cavorting, it’s time to have a game plan on how to get home and generally be safe. Pack an extra case of water in the bed of the truck to prevent heat exhaustion. There’s always that one guy who has one to many, so don’t let it be you. Instead, jump in and save the day by helping to coordinate designated drivers, and plenty fo water on hand to prevent any misfires. When it’s time to pack up, go disposable, and trash the remnants before you leave. Plus, if you only have your bottle to share, the hard work is already done for you. It’s good manners to leave your tailgating arena in the same or better condition than when you arrived. Plus, if you’ve been a good host and are out there mixing it up with the natives, there’s a chance you’ll be invited back again and again, so don’t blow it. Kapeesh?

Gather your friends, order a round, and take a shot. Grab Life by the Hornitos.

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