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How to Junk a Tornado-Stricken RV in Kansas Without Wasting Time and Money

Residents of the Sunflower State are no strangers to the dangers and damage that tornadoes can bring. Twisters can cause severe damage to everything they touch and can be quite unkind to RVs, even when not in their direct path. Many Kansas RVs have been pelted with golf ball-sized hail that can quickly turn a perfectly usable rig into what now looks more like a shooting range’s target.

If yours has been beaten up by Mother Nature and is now unusable without dumping a ton of money into it, an option is to sell your junk RV in Kansas. Believe it or not, despite its extreme damage, there are still those who are willing to buy it.

Tornadoes and RVs

Despite their weight, the extreme winds from a tornado can easily tip over an RV, especially if its winds hit it broadside. Once tipped over, the damage can be insurmountable. Structural damage is highly likely along with a host of other problems. Even if yours didn’t take a direct hit, your RV can experience damage from hail or debris slamming into its exterior. With Kansas being located within Tornado Alley, many a once perfectly good rig can within seconds become junk.

If you’re in an RV and there’s a tornado warning, it’s best to seek adequate shelter. Campgrounds usually have bathrooms constructed of concrete and will provide a much safer location to hunker down in than your rig can provide. If this isn’t an option, draw in your awnings or slide-outs, close and latch the door and windows, and seek the best adequate shelter.

How To Sell Your Tornado-Stricken RV in Kansas

Tornado-damaged rigs can be an unfortunate reality for RVers in this beautiful wide open state. If you’ve joined the ranks of those who’ve experienced a twister that’s wrecked your rig, despite the heartache, you can still squeeze some value out of it. Your options are slim and unfortunately, you won’t have any luck trying to trade it in for a newer and usable model from an RV dealership. They typically only take usable, undamaged RVs.

Try for a Private Sale

Although not the fastest way to sell a damaged RV, may opt to sell theirs to a private individual. Some have had quick success by spreading the word to other RV owners and campground managers, as they most likely know of folks who buy damaged RVs to scavenge costly parts to use on their own.

Other strategies for a private sale include using social media to post photos and the best offer message which could trigger a sale. Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace still tend to be the most popular sites for selling a beat-up rig.

Junkyards Are an Option

For a faster sale, you should consider contacting local junk and scrapyards to see if they’re interested in purchasing your damaged RV. These types of businesses mostly deal in the value of scrap metal and usable components of damaged vehicles. Although you may not get top dollar for yours, you will save an exponential amount of time trying to find a private buyer.

Offers will vary per business, so ensure that you contact as many as you can find within your driving radius. Check to see if they offer towing services of any kind and who is responsible for the cost of getting your rig to them.

Sell It to a Specialized RV Dealer

A great time-saver that provides the biggest bang for the buck is to sell your damaged RV to a specialized dealer. They purchase any and all RVs regardless of age, mileage, or condition, and generally will pay the highest amount, even for a wrecked rig. Most offer free towing and you can set up the entire sale online or on the phone. They’ll make you an offer and once you accept it, usually within 24 hours they’ll tow it away and leave you with cash in hand.

Tornado-Stricken Kansas RVs and How To Sell Them Explained

For many a Kansas resident, tornadoes are an expected reality. Most have known at least a few people whose lives have been negatively affected by their damaging effects. RVs can receive minimal to total destruction when caught in the path of a powerful twister.

If you’re one of the unfortunate RV owners who’ve experienced costly damage to your RV, motorhome, or fifth wheel, sell it to a specialized Kansas RV dealer. They’ll be happy to haul it away and pay you more than you expected. They’re easy to deal with and will handle all of the required paperwork. Reach out to one today.

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