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Bachelor Pad Woes: How to Maximize Space

About a month ago, my friend Peter invited me to view his new bachelor pad, a studio type unit that he is currently renting. I have lost track of how many times he has moved in the course of our friendship. I only knew that he was very good at maximizing space in his living quarters. In fact, I often told him that he could be an interior designer specializing in small spaces. Before moving to his new place, Peter once shared space with Noel, a good friend of his, who was a part-time student taking up computer science. When his friend decided to stop working in order to focus on his studies, Noel moved back home, forcing Peter to move out since he couldn’t afford renting that space on his own.

Peter’s new place was smaller than the one he shared with Noel. But it was new and the rent was fractionally lower. When I first saw his room, I thought it was bigger than the old one. He corrected me, saying it was less spacious. In fact, he pointed out that my room was bigger than his. It was all in the calculated arrangement of his furniture and other things that gave his room the illusion of looking bigger and having more space. Here are some tips that I learned from him about maximizing space in your room. This applies to both bachelor and bachelorette pads.

Apply a Minimalistic Style

Less is more when applied to small spaces. Since this doesn’t give you a lot of room for big things, minimalism is the way to go. This means getting rid of stuff that you can do without. If your friends are offering you old furniture to furnish you bachelor pad, think first if it will fit in your living quarters. Sure your pal may give you the squishiest, most comfortable recliner in the world, but if it takes up more than half your space, in the long run, it will cause just you headaches when trying to move around your room. Get rid of big clunky furniture and go for designs that are not only sleek but also comfortable.

Eliminate Space

When I say eliminate space, it means getting rid of small gaps that exist for example, between the wall and your bed. Make the most of corners and walls and keep one side of your bed against the wall. If you have a sofa or a small couch, its back should also be against a wall. Do the same for cabinets and desks, so that you will have more space to navigate around your room. If you have a small kitchen area with a sink, use the space below it as a mini storage area. You can use it to store things like your wastebin, or kitchen utensils.

Use Multipurpose Furniture

Since your room can only accommodate a few pieces of furniture, it’s better to use multi-purpose ones like a sofa bed, which can convert into a bed in case a friend needs to crash at your place after a night of heavy drinking. Place your clothes bureau beside your bed and it can double as a nightstand. Another option, which consumes even lesser space, is attaching a small shelf–on the wall right next to your bed–that will function as your nightstand.

If you’re planning to purchase furniture for your big move but not sure what to buy, you can always do some research first. There is a directory available on sites like United Furniture Industries, an exclusive manufacturer of Simmons furniture, where you can browse their catalog for ideas on which products would be best for your room.

About the Author

Based in San Diego California, Tiffany Matthews is a professional writer with over 5 years of writing experience. She also blogs about travel, fashion, and anything under the sun at, a group blog that she shares with her good friends. In her free time, she likes to travel, read books, and watch movies. You can find her on Twitter as @TiffyCat87.

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