Men’s Lifestyle

Men’s lifestyle blog showcasing the latest US/UK menswear lifestyle articles, tips and guides.

Health & Fitness, Men's Lifestyle

Fitness Supplement Myths

Take this product and you’ll look like the person (paid fitness/body building model) advertising it; All supplements work for everyone; If I take supplements I don’t need to work out as much; Supplements will give me huge gains in a very short time. Myths The above are just to name […]

Dating & Relationships, Women

Guys Talk, Women Walk

We’ve all heard guys talk. The problem, however, arises when women hear them talk. When will men learn that talk is cheap? One of my female friends recently complained to me about how men talk about women and sex. It occurred to me that she was right, it’s annoying. Guys, […]

Men's Lifestyle

Drink of the Month: Chocolate Carameltini

Here’s a tasty treat to make for your Valentine. Serve as a pre-dinner cocktail or maybe an after dinner drink and enjoy with dessert. Ingredients 1/2 oz chocolate vodka 1/2 oz Kahlua (I prefer Hazelnut, but the regular is great too) 1/2 oz Godiva milk chocolate caramel liqueur Splash of […]

Dating & Relationships, Women

Modern Marriage: Why So Fast?

It so happens that I know a few couples that are planning to get married soon.  So I guess congratulations are in order, right? Well, hold on just a minute.  Let’s look at some things first, shall we? Since the institution of marriage predates recorded human history, we’ve only been […]

Dating & Relationships, Women

My Weekend Without a Penis

One Thursday evening, I sustained a massive injury to my dong. I won’t say how or what happened, well… because that’s another, slightly less important story. What I will say is that when I woke up Friday morning, my penis was bruised, red, sore, and extremely sensitive to the touch. […]

Health & Fitness, Men's Lifestyle

Win a Jordan Hoffart Product Giveaway

Sign up now for the MaleStandard Newsletter and we’ll automatically enter you to win a one of two Exclusive giveaway prize packages, complements of Jordan Hoffart and MaleStandard! Grand Prize Giveaway A Jordan Hoffart Custom Signature Pro Deck Hoffart Signature Bones “Pamala” Wheel – 35, NEFF Beanie Powell Peralta Mini-Logo […]