Traveling is one of the most rewarding and exciting things that you can do in life. It gives you the opportunity to meet new people, learn about the local cultures, and experience new things in life. However, there are a few things that you can do to make your travel […]
Author: Male Standard
The Different Ways To Use Cannabis And How To Choose
As you know, there are a bunch of different ways to enjoy cannabis. You can smoke it, vape it, take tinctures, capsules, etc. There are even a multitude of different options within these categories. For example, there are a variety of different ways you can smoke it, including rolling it, […]
4 Important Benefits of After-School Activities
School occupies the most significant part of any child’s life. Although what they learn in classrooms is important, children need other activities to have a healthy future and life. There are activities that a child can take part in after school that can add to their academic skills and knowledge. […]
Are Guys Feminine If They Get Massages From Another Dude?
There has been an increasing interest in massage therapy in recent years, and many people are now seeking out massages regularly. While massage therapy was once considered a luxury reserved for the wealthy, it is now becoming more mainstream, with even insurance companies beginning to cover the cost of treatment. […]
Yes, Men Can Get Yeast Infections: Here’s what to Watch Out For
What is a Male Yeast Infection? A yeast infection is often thought of as a female health problem, but it can affect anyone, including men. A penile yeast infection, if not treated, can lead to a wide range of painful, uncomfortable, and potentially embarrassing symptoms. It can also lead to serious […]
Birddogs has done for men what Lululemon did for women.
Lululemon broke yoga pants out of the Pilates studio and took them to Sunday brunch. Almost overnight, women everywhere ditched their stiff jeans and skirts for yoga pants. Lululemon showed women they could look hot as hell AND be more comfortable. But who has done this for men you ask? […]
How To Cleanse Your Body And Effectively Get Rid Of Harmful Toxins
Every day we consume various toxins through eating food, inhaling polluted urban air, and other sources. Humans need to have something which will help them deal with all the hazards surrounding them, thus here we will try to present some ways of doing just that. Fasting Fasting’s advantages are now […]
Motorcyclists and Law: 7 Steps to Take After Suffering an Accident
Motorcycle accidents can be very serious, often resulting in severe injuries or death. In the United States, there are around 88,000 motorcycle accidents each year, and they account for nearly 15% of all traffic fatalities. While some accidents are unavoidable, many are caused by the negligence or recklessness of drivers […]
3 Reasons You Should Wear Leggings for Date Night
Date night outfits are always difficult to plan out. So many questions can run through your head while thinking of what to wear. What if your clothes showed too much or too little? How do you dress up for specific occasions? Do the pieces even match? Having all these questions […]
Super Supper: How to host a successful dinner party
What’s better than delicious food, fabulous friends and compelling conversation? A well-done dinner party aims to achieve all three, but many folks often crumble under the pressure of preparing an ambitious meal that pleases everyone. For the budding host who finds it hard to plan, we’ve narrowed down the five […]